Prediction VS Forecast

Definition of PREDICTION

1: an act of predicting
2: something that is predicted : forecast

Examples of PREDICTION
Journalists have begun making predictions about the winner of the coming election.
Despite predictions that the store would fail, it has done very well.
The figures and statistics are used for the prediction of future economic trends.

First Known Use of PREDICTION 1561

Definition of FORECAST

transitive verb
1a : to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations
1b : to indicate as likely to occur

2: to serve as a forecast of : presage <such events may forecast peace>

intransitive verb
1: to calculate the future

Examples of FORECAST
They're forecasting rain for this weekend.
The company is forecasting reduced profits.
Experts forecast that the economy will slow in the coming months.

First Known Use of FORECAST 15th century

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